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  The Perfect Holiday

Starring: Gabrielle Union, Morris Chestnut, Queen Latifah, Terrence Howard

Directed by: Lance Rivera

Produced by: Sha-Kim Compere, Queen Latifah, Leifur B. Dagfinnsson, Lance Rivera, et. al

Written by: Lance Rivera, Mark Calixte
Distributor: Yari Film Group

     The Perfect Holiday is one of the most cliché, dopey, predictable, and cheaply-made Christmas movies ever released in American theatres, but it’s also strangely one of the most likable. The picture functions as a comfort in much the same way that a Hallmark Channel Holiday Special does, so ordinary in its indulgence in the Christmas Spirit that it somehow becomes identifiable in the process. As filmgoers, we may not be able to relate to movies that transport us to the North Pole and there try to woo us with red and green imagery, but we are certainly able to sympathize with the everyday (if cartoonishly-constructed) characters found in The Perfect Holiday. From Gabrielle Union’s lonely divorcee to her three children in need of a real father-figure (their Daddy’s a hack of a rapper who only sees them when he needs them to appear in a television interview with him) to the shopping-mall-Santa (Morris Chestnut) who wishes to fit that bill, all of the personalities in the movie certainly gain the viewer’s emotional investment. The film’s sometimes-poor acting and shoddy production-values only work to make it more warmly and agreeably inconsequential. Still, one could probably turn on the aforementioned Hallmark Channel and find something just as good as The Perfect Holiday playing; there isn’t anything to distinguish it from the rest of the pact. But when the movie makes it to cable itself, I’m sure that it will do just the trick to pleasantly waste two hours (including commercials, that is) of your time.

-Danny Baldwin, Bucket Reviews

Review Published on: 12.21.2007

Screened on: 12.12.2007 at Edwards Mira Mesa 18 in Mira Mesa, CA.


The Perfect Holiday is rated PG and runs 96 minutes.

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